1. Acknowledge (comment) the blogger, that awarded you and link back to person's blog.
2. Nominate five blogs and let them know by leaving comments on their blogs.
3. Copy and paste award on your blog.
4. Enjoy this moment and spread the happiness around.
My Nominees:
1. Table for Two
2. Bakericious
3. Vivian Pang Kitchen
4. Nel The Batter Baker
5. No-Frills Recipe

You're welcome, Peng! ^^
Hi Peng, sorry I am late, now seldom have times to visit blogs include mine :P. My children have sucked up all my free times esp my new born. Millions of thanks for granted me the award, very very appreciated. I feel so warm that you still remember me even I have absent from blogosphere for so long. Again, thanks!
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