Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Cranberry & Orange Teabread

oooohhh I loved this bread loaf so much! Light & moist texture with tangy fragrant! Again this recipe requires no mixer, just a manual whisk & spatula is more than enough! The steps is like making muffin except that instead of filling the batter into individual muffin cups, the batter is baked in a loaf pan :)

Yesterday night after settled down my little girl to bed and my boy still hanging around at 9pm plus, I went ahead to start making this loaf. From juicing to measuring all the ingredients finally putting the loaf to oven, I think it took me abt 30mins or hur? After putting the loaf to bake, I shoved my boy to bed 'cos is already 10pm!! While my 2 kiddos finally in bed and I can finally relax and watch my CSI series and wait for my loaf to be ready! :)

This morning packed this snack box for my boy to bring to school!

  • 225gm plain flour
  • 1 tbsp baking powder
  • 115gm sugar (I used 90gm only)
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1 large orange zests
  • 160ml fresh orange juice
  • 2 eggs, lightly beaten
  • 75gm butter, melted
  • 115gm fresh cranberries (If using frozen cranberries, thaw before using)
  • 50gm walnuts, chopped
  1. Line a 9 x 5 " loaf pan with baking paper and grease. Set aside.
  2. Sift plain flour & baking powder twice in a mixing bowl. (This ensure the loaf texture is soft & fluffy)
  3. Stir sugar, salt & orange zests. Make a well in the centre.
  4. Add orange juice, eggs & melted butter. Stir from the centre till ingredients are well combined. Do not overmix. Add the cranberries & walnut and fold till blended
  5. Pour batter into pan and spread evenly. (Tips : use a spatula cut through the middle section of the batter so that the loaf will not form a high dorm) Bake in preheated oven at 180 deg cel for 45-50mins until a skewer inserted in the centre of the loaf comes out clean. Cool in pan for 10mins before transfer to wire rack to cool completely.


Anonymous said...

This cake looks so yummy, with cranberries, walnut and orange juice (my hse always hv left over oranges after praying, great way to consume them). Thks for sharing ^_^

yenling said...

wao.. u r really a good mommy!~ can i replace cranberries wf something else?

Peng said...

yenling...all mummy are the same lah :) u can try dried apricot or raisins.

Bakericious said...

looks yummy, nvr bake tea/quick bread b4, shd give a try someday. thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Yummy yummy...just nice I have a pack of dried do I soak with warm water to plump up the cranberries and drain it dry b4 using? What would be the tast like if to replace toasted almond slices instead of walnut?? Thanks for the recipe. Lovingkids.

Peng said...

Lovingkids...u can soak the dried cranberries with the orange juice, strain well b4 use. hmmm not sure what the taste like with almond, walnut added is more like giving some texture to the loaf.

Anonymous said...


I substitute with dried caberries and roasted almond flakes....taste good as well...Frens love it. :) Lovingkids

Anonymous said...

Wats orange zest ???

Peng said...

is orange peel..just use a grater to get the zest out

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