Flavorful basmati rice served with grilled chicken...
- 400gm basmatic rice
- 1 tbsp salt
- 1 cinnamon stick
- 4 cardamom pods
- 3 cloves
- 50gm butter
- 75gm dried cranberrries
- 75gm shelled pistachio nuts
- salt to taste
- 1 lemon zests
- Was rice well, rinsing 3 to 4 times till water runs almost clear. Drain rice well.
- Fill a pot of 2.5 litres water and add salt, cinnamon, cardamom pods & cloves. Bring to boil then add rice.
- Cook for 5mins until rice is half-cooked. Drain away water.
- Melt butter in another pot, add cranberries, pistachio and 1/2 cooked rice. Add salt to taste. Stir until thoroughly mixed. Reduce heat to low, cover and cook for another 10-15mins until rice is tender. Fluff rice before serving.
Ingredient (2 servings)
- 2 boneless chicken thighs with skin on
- 1 tbsp olive oil
- 4 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
- 1 tsp black pepper
- 1 tbsp brown sugar
- Marinate chicken thighs with all seasonings and cling wrap. Best chill overnight.
- Heat 1 tbsp olive oil in a non-stick pan, place marinated chicken, with skin side down, pan-fry till brown for 5mins, turn over and cook the other side till cook through.
looks like turkish rice! Look so nice! Must be very Yummy!
Hi where u buy worcestershire sauce ?
available at most local supermarket.
most big NTUC should have.
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