这是产后妇女必吃的一道滋补的坐月菜肴。所需的材料有甘邦鸡,老姜,黑木耳 及 最重要的就是自制的黄酒! 我可没这本身在家酿酒 :), 这些甘甜的黄酒是我父亲向人讨教学来的!一点要注意的是,煮黄酒鸡时无须加任何开水, 黄酒就足够了。这样烹煮出来的黄酒鸡才会浓郁香甜!

- 1 kampong chicken, chopped 甘邦鸡
- 2 cups softened black fungus 黑木耳
- 2 tbsp finely sliced ginger 老姜
- 3 tbsp sesame oil 麻油
- 2 cups homemade wine, 黄酒
- 2 tbsp wolfberries, softened 枸杞子
- salt to taste
- Heat sesame oil in a claypot. Add ginger and saute for a min till fragrant.
- Add chicken pieces and stir-fry for 2 mins. Add black fungus and mix evenly.
- Add wine and bring to boil. Lower heat,cover & simmer for 30mins till chicken is tender.
- Add wolfberries and simmer for another 5mins. Add salt to taste. Serve.
Lol 我不是产后啦,但是我skinny。。。
所以我有时候做这道菜。。嘻嘻 喜欢你的博客
Hi Peng,
Can you tell me how to make the wine?
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