Snack time! munching on rice cakes...

My lil gal is turning 9mths tomorrow!! try to introduce porridge but she rejected, no choice now still on rice cereal! Since 39weeks she has been taking 1/2 egg yolk each day, increasing to 1 egg yolk per day now. One egg yolk seems a lot right? no is not as I giving her 'newborn' egg (初生蛋) instead the normal eggs, see the difference in size in the below picture :)

first taste of egg yolk, served with prune oatmeal at 39 weeks...

where is the cooked egg white? inside Mummy's tummy! hahaha....

Does not like porridge so I stock up a variety of rice cereals in the food pantry!!

This is the latest food puree I've introduced to her : baby spinach with homemade ikan bilis powder. As I afraid that she will reject the taste, I combine with a couple cubes of carrot puree during feeding time, and she managed to accept it well. But alas, who knows after taking for straight 2 days, her poo is so hard and pebble like! Then I found out from my friend that spinach will cause constipate and mix with carrot worst as the latter will also cause the same problem! After I stop the spinach, her poo backs to normal :) tonight will serve the spinach with wild yam and monitor what's the result...