Monday, February 20, 2012

Mediterranean Baked Fish & Quinoa Salad

Super healthy food for my lunch! Quinoa salad not my kids cup of tea, only serve them the baked fish with their normal rice :D

  • 3 x 150gm cod fillet
  • 1 lemon zest and juice
  •  olive oil
  • 10gm sweet basil leaves, roughly chopped
  • 10 cherry tomatoes, halved
  • 6 small portebello mushroom, sliced
  • salt & pepper to taste

  1. Preheat oven to 200 deg cel.
  2. Place fish individually on a large piece of baking paper. Season with salt & black pepper. Drizzle over olive oil, lemon juice & zests.
  3. Scatter basil leaves, cherry tomatoes & mushroom over the fish. Fold the edge of the baking paper to seal. Bake for 20mins.

Quinoa Rice Salad
Ingredient (2 servings)
  • 60gm Quinoa
  • 1/2 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
  • 20gm sweet basil leaves, roughly chopped
  • 80gm cherry tomatoes
  • 60gm sweet corn kernels 
  • 4 pitted black olives, roughly chopped

  1. Rinse Quinoa over a sieve. Place in a pot of water and bring to boil. Lower heat and cook for 10mins. At the last 2 mins, add in sweet corn kernels. Drain away water and cool slightly.
  2. Place all ingredient in a mixing bowl and toss well. Serve warm or chilled.


  1. hmm.... I think I want to try out this baked fish too! do you have any suggestions for the types of white fish fillets which we could use? thanks :)

  2. Kris...u can try using white snapper fillet, cod fish :D

  3. thanks :) hope to try it soon!

  4. you cooked this en papillote, must be so flavourful, i would love to try quinoa one day!
