Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Wholemeal Cut-Out Cookies

Thanks to Anna Chan of Sugar-Inc-Cake for allowing me to post her recipe over here ! :) I've made some modifications to her recipe by including some wholemeal flour and reducing the sugar slightly. I loved this recipe because it does not required to chill the dough as normal cut-out cookies dough!! The dough is very easy to handle and not sticky to the hands so I let my boy joined me in cutting out the cookies and he had great time messing up the dough heee....and as usual waited eagerly in front of the oven for the cookies to be ready!

First time try 'sticking' the cookies on an ice-cream stick (bought at Daiso) After cutting out the shapes, I pressed lightly the shaped unbaked cookies over the ice-cream stick & it managed to 'stick' on it after baking. But next round when baking this, I will stick some more dough to cover the stick to make it more firm.

Happily savouring a stick of cookie :) crunchy & great texture cookies 'cos of the wholemeal flour added!

  • 80gm unsalted butter
  • 50gm sugar
  • 10gm egg yolk
  • 100gm plain flour
  • 40gm wholemeal flour
  1. Using a electric whisk, cream butter & sugar until creamy.
  2. Beat in egg yolk till blended.
  3. Sift in flour and stir till combined. Lightly knead by hand form a ball of dough. (see pic above)
  4. Place dough on a sheet of baking parchment. Position 2 chopsticks on either side of the dough & roll out the dough using the thickness of the chopsticks as a guide. ( I omit this step, I just take some dough and use a rolling pin to roll out) Cut out shapes using cookie cutters. Gather the scraps and roll out again.
  5. Baked in preheated oven at 180 deg cel for 12-15 min (depending on size of cookies) until golden brown.
  6. Remove tray from oven & allow to cool completely. The cookies will harden as they cool.
Other Variations : Citrus Flavoured


  1. what a handsome little guy =) Your cookies look great! glad you enjoyed the recipe

  2. Thanks Anna for u compliments! :)

  3. Thanks for the recipe. I substituted the wholemeal and regular flour with wholemeal spelt flour in order to increase the protein content of the cookies for our little man. He is sitting in front of me eating his second cookie already and loving it! Thanks again!

  4. Thanks for the recipe.

    Are steps 1, 2 and 3 done using the electric mixer?

  5. yes electric whisk = mixer for 1 n 2, step 3 can use wooden spoon to fold in flour

  6. Thanks! So many recipes in your blog.. can't decide which to try. LOL
