Saturday, May 1, 2010

Tomato & Waterchestnut Soup

The sun is so scorching nowadays!! need to intake more fluid to replenish the body, but sometimes just simply forgot to drink more water, especially my son. Most of the time have to force him to drink!! Nowadays will try to boil soup more often, so you will see me posting new soup recipe quite frequently ^-^

  • 5 tomatoes
  • 150gm waterchestnut
  • 300gm beansprouts
  • 2 slices ginger
  • 300gm pork ribs
  • 2400ml water
  • salt to taste
  1. Blanch pork ribs in boiling water. Rinse and set aside.
  2. Wash & cut tomatoes into quarters.
  3. Peel & wash waterchestnut. Cut into halves.
  4. Rinse beansprouts.
  5. Place all ingredients except salt in a pot. Bring to boil. Lower heat and simmer for 2 hrs. Add salt to taste.

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