Saturday, May 1, 2010

Lychee Muffins

A recipe from my favourite magazine Food & Travel Magazine Mar 2010 issue. Moist & light texture. I omitted out the sugar as I think the lychee syrup is sweet enough.

  • 250gm self-raising flour
  • 1/4cup sugar (I omit this)
  • 1 cup natural yoghurt
  • 1 cup canned lychee syrup
  • 1 cup lychee, drained & diced
  • 1 egg, lightly beaten
  • 100gm butter, melted
  1. Combine yoghurt, lychee syrup and egg. Mix well. Stir in melted butter.
  2. Sift flour over the butter mixture. Fold till just combined. Do not overmixed.
  3. Fold in chopped lychees.
  4. Spoon batter into muffin case. Bake in preheated oven at 180deg cel for 25mins.


  1. I love, love lychee! And I love lychee flavored things. Thanks for this recipe!

  2. can i know how much does this serve

  3. wwen...this depends on the size of cupcases u are using, big one abt 6 or small 12 muffins..

  4. Hi Peng , love your recipes can't get enough of them ! Your horlicks dog cookie was easy and yummy . this lychee recipe you mentioned first step "combine" .. It means mix with handwhisk or electric blender?

  5. Just use a hand whisk will do :)

  6. Hi ! I love lychee and your muffins looked delish ! Do I need to still squeeze the lychees dry from the syrup ? Happy Monday ! Anna

  7. Anna Sim...just let it drain over a sieve no need squeeze :)

  8. Thank you for replying my question ! I am going to try this over the weekend !
