Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Steamed Tapioca Cake

A lighter taste version than the baked one I've made few days ago.

  • 500gm grated tapioca
  • 100gm sugar
  • 1 egg, lightly beaten
  • 200ml thin coconut milk
  • 2 tbsp pandan juice (blend some pandan leaves with 2 tbsp water and strain to get juice)
  • pinch of salt
  • green food colouring (optional)
  1. Combine coconut milk, sugar, egg, pandan juice & salt together. Stir till sugar dissolve.
  2. Fold in grated tapioca and mix evenly.
  3. Grease a 8" square pan, pour batter over and smooth the top.
  4. Steam over boiling water for 45mins. Cool completely in pan before unmoulding and cut into pieces.
  5. Optional: roll over sliced steamed tapioca cake over grated coconut and serve. (steam some grated coconut with pinch of salt & some pandan leaves)


  1. Hi. Would appreciate to know why you add in the egg. What is the purpose? Thanks

  2. Hi MJ...the egg add as a 'binding agent' to this kueh.

  3. Some recipe suggested to add grated coconut into the mixture or even corn flour. What do you think?

  4. Depends on the recipe itself, the texture will alright if the grated coconut or corn flour is well proportioned with the liquid amount in the recipe. I dun mind having grated coconut in the kueh
