Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Durian Cream Puffs

This is a recipe I don't make it often. The last attempt was like 7 years ago! Gosh.....so nervous during the choux pastry making process. Luckily the pastry turned out all well without collapsing. ^0^

Making of choux pastry :  (1) cooked dough

(2) drizzle in beaten eggs and beat well....

(3) beat till dough is smooth

(4) pipe the dough over lined baking sheet (don't pipe too huge as it well expand during baking) and ready for baking

Choux pastry before piping in filling

hollow pastry shell....can fill in lots of cream!

Choux Pastry
Ingredients (approx. 50 small puffs)
  • 125g unsalted butter
  • 300gm water
  • 15gm sugar
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 180gm plain flour, sifted
  • 270gm egg (approx. 5 eggs)
  • 1 tsp vanilla essence

  1. Boil water, sugar and butter in a deep saucepan over medium heat until sugar is well dissolved.  Turn off fire.
  2. Add flour immediately and mixed to a smooth dough, turn on heat and cook over low fire until white film form on base of pot. Remove pot from stove. Leave dough to cool slightly. 
  3. Beat eggs lightly and stir in vanilla essence. Gradually beat in egg mixture into cooked dough and blend well till dough is smooth.
  4. Fill dough into piping bag and pipe it onto a lined baking tray. Smooth the top with wet fingers.
  5. Bake at pre-heated oven of 200 deg cel for 25mins or till golden brown, remove and cool. (use a wooden skewer and poke the sides of each puff to release hot steam inside)
  6. When the puff pastry has cooled down, slit an opening at the side using a pair of scissors, spoon in adequate amount of durian cream. Store in air-tight container and chill well before serving.

Durian Cream

Durian Cream (enough for 50 small puffs)
  • 300gm fresh durian puree
  • 1 tbsp gelatine 
  • 50gm water 
  • 50gm sugar 
  • 250ml gm dairy whipping cream

  1. Dissolve gelatine and sugar in water.
  2. Whisk cream in a clean dry bowl until firm. Beat in gelatine mixture till well incorporated.
  3. Fold in durian puree.
  4. Keep chill in fridge till use.


  1. Did you make them? are you cook professional?

  2. Hi yoko

    I make this myself :D the puffs indeed looks great but i'm not professional cook lah...juz cooking for fun!

  3. Hi Peng,

    I would like to try your recipe but hv one question. When do you add in the sugar and vanilla essence arh? Didn't see them in the method u hv stated. Thanks!

  4. Hi...oops i miss out this step, i will update again! thks

  5. lovely durian puff. Which did u prefered the first or this one (second recipe)?

    Did u baked the puff using 200c instead of 180c for 25min or longer cause worry that 200c the puff will brown very quickly.

    may i know which nozzle used for the first recipe of the puff..issit a star nozzle?

  6. Hi Sue..personally i prefer the second pastry, cos the texture is softer than the 1st one. I use 200c, depends on yr oven, if urs distribute heat too fast can use 180c. I use a star nozzle to pipe 2 rounds .

  7. Hi,

    I tried another recipe with baking powder and my puff raised in the oven. But when brought out it flattened! so it was v difficult to pipe in the fillings! Can you share what could be the problem? noticed ur recipe does not use any raising agent yet the puff still raise nicely.. wat's the action that leads to the raising? tks.

  8. Though without using any baking powder, the puff raise is contributed by the amt of eggs used and required a high temp to bake them.

  9. Iclim....thank u! You should try this out as it is not that difficult :D

  10. Those are some lovely looking puffs! Made even more gorgeous with the delicious filling!
