Friday, December 5, 2014

Purple Sweet Potato Ang Ku Kueh

My very first attempt of Ang Ku Kueh making :D Not in traditional red colour but purple instead! My girl don't fancy this particular snack, just because purple is her favourite colour, she actually ate quite a few! I'm so delighted to see that this Ang Ku Kueh turned out so beautiful! 

steame mung beans and mashed with sugar to form as filling

Roll the dough and filling into small balls

Before steaming

After steaming

  • 250gm mung beans
  • 140gm sugar
  • 3 tbsp rice bran oil

  1. Rinse beans several time till water run clear, soak in clean water for 1 hour or more.
  2. Discard water and place beans on a steaming dish. Steam over medium heat for 45 mins until soften.
  3. While beans are still hot, combine them with sugar and oil in a food processor. Blend till smooth.
  4. Shape paste into approx 15gm small ball.

Sweet Potato Dough
  • 300gm sweet potato, sliced
  • 200gm glutinous rice flour
  • 1 tbsp rice flour
  • 2 tbsp sugar
  • 3 tbsp rice bran oil
  • 180ml warm water

  1. Steam sweet potato until soft, for about 25 mins.
  2. Use a fork, mash the cooked sweet potatoes till smooth. Add in glutinous rice flour, rice flour, sugar and oil. Gradually add in water and knead till dough is smooth and pliable. Cover with damp cloth and rest for 30mins.
  3. Shape into 30gm small ball.

To shape and cook Ang Ku Kueh
  1. Grease the 'Ang Ku Kueh' mould (plastic mould) by brushing it with some rice bran oil.
  2. Flatten the sweet potato ball, place a piece of filling in the centre. Cover and seal the edge. Shape into a round ball.
  3. Place the ball into the mould, press down evenly, knock out and place on a greased banana leaf.
  4. Place the Ang Ku Kueh on a steaming tray and steam over medium heat for 10 mins. Turn off flame and grease the surface with some rice bran oil. 

Do you know that Ang Ku Kueh can be pan fried after steaming (cooled down completely)? My favourite way of eating this kueh by frying it till crisp! 


  1. i bought a 250g bag of white fine powder. the store clerk told me that's to make chinese crullers. i thought it's baking ammonia. but i smell nothing like ammonia at all
    the only thing i can read on the bag is SHIYONGJIAN, everything else are in chinese
    would you help please?
    Thank you

  2. hien nguyen....sorry can't help u much with that alien word to me.
