Tuesday, September 10, 2013

'Zebra' Charcoal Butter Cake

Voila I finally got it right after this 3rd attempt! I tried baking a 'Zebra' cake few years ago but could not get a decent looking one, all turn out marbling instead :P It it just a simple butter cake, nothing special, only the exotic appearance that make this cake looks more interesting :D Will I attempt it again? Yes! Great for testing my patience hahaha....

Layering the batter alternaltely into the middle of the cake pan..hehehe but the batter keeps slanting to one side. Almost losing my patience again in between the layering >.<" 

Recipe source : 'I Love Buttercake Too' by Kevin Chai
  • 200gm butter
  • 160gm sugar
  • 4 eggs
  • 250gm plain flour
  • 5g baking powder
  • 100ml evaporated milk
  • 1 tsp vanilla essence
  • 1 tsp charcoal powder

  1. Line a 7" round cake pan. Preheat oven to 160 deg cel.
  2. Cream butter and sugar until light & creamy.
  3. Add in eggs one at a time, beat well after each addition. Scrape down the edges of the mixing bowl when necessary. Beat in vanilla essence.
  4. Using a spatula fold in sifted plain flour and baking powder, alternate with evaporated milk. 
  5. Divide batter into 2 equal portions. Add in charcoal powder into one portion and mix well.
  6. Spoon a heap tbsp of plain batter into the middle of the pan, top with another heap tbsp of charcoal batter onto the plain batter. Shift the cake pan slightly to even out the batter when necessary. Repeat process till batter are used up. 
  7. Bake in oven for 45-50mins until golden brown. Cool slightly before unmoulding. Best serve the following day.

Tadah! This is how it looks inside :D Finally achieve a decent 'Zebra' cake though it can be better. 

I am submitting this recipe for Cook-Your-Books hosted byKitchen Flavours.


  1. Hi Peng,
    Lovely zebra cake. I have been wanting to try my hands at making Zebra Cake for ages!
    Congratulations, your spiral yam mooncake was featured in CYB#4, but then you knew that already! haha!
    Thank you for sharing with CYB!

  2. Looks amazing!! very zebra-ish ^^" maybe you can try a zebra chiffon cake?=)

  3. Peng, your zebra cake looks awesome! Your effort done with the marbling is worth it! I can't even imagine how would I even attempt to do it @@
