Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Hokkaido Milk Loaf

This is another lovely loaf bread I've done! It raises very well as it almost reaches the ceiling of my little oven! ^0^ Therefore you can see that one side of the loaf is almost charred :P Lovely milky and sweet bread and soft texture too which I will make it over and over again! 

As usual I kneaded the dough using my bare hands :D Luckily this is a very manageable dough, after full 10mins of kneading and stretching, my palms is almost clear of dough bits :D

Ingredient (one 20cm x 10cm x 10cm loaf)
  • 270gm bread flour
  • 30gm cake flour
  • 1 tsp instant yeast
  • 30gm milk powder
  • 40gm sugar
  • 9gm salt
  • 30gm beaten egg
  • 125gm milk
  • 75gm whipping cream
  1. Place all the dry ingredient into a mixing bowl.
  2. Combine egg, milk and whipping cream. Stir to mix well.
  3. Pour the liquid mixture into the dry ingredient. Use a scrapper to mix it into a rough dough.
  4. Knead the dough for about 10mins until smooth and non-sticky. Cover with a damp cloth and proof for 60mins or until double in bulk.
  5. Take out the dough and lightly knead. Divide into 3 equal portions. Rest for 20mins.
  6. Roll out each dough into a rectangular shape. Roll up like a swiss roll. Place the rolled dough into the loaf pan and proof for another 60mins until it reaches the ream of the pan. Lightly brush the surface with egg wash.
  7. Bake in preheated oven at 180 deg cel for 35mins.
  8. Unmould and cool on wire rack completely before slicing.

I am submitting this post to 'Bake Along #52" hosted by Lena, Joyce & Zoe


  1. I am amazed it is hand kneaded. Beautiful loaf.

  2. Hi Peng,

    I have tried both Christine's and Angie's recipes and they are both very good!!!

    Amazing that yours made by hand look so good too! You must be a muscular woman :p


  3. Hi Peng,
    Lovely bread! And well done, kneading by hand! I am beginning to like kneading by hand too!
    Your bread looks soft and fluffy!
    Thanks for linking!

  4. hello peng, am happy to know that angie's recipes without tangzhong produces great results too! thx for trying and baking along with us! oh yes, the other day i was looking at your kampar chicken bread but didnt leave a comment..that was beautiful and thx for the mentioned!

  5. Hello Peng,
    May I know what kind of milk powder do use? Also where did you get your loaf pan? Thank you!

  6. Lynn....I got the pan from taobao and use full cream milk powder like Fernleaf :)
