Saturday, July 27, 2013

Alivia Banana Chocolate Chip Cupcakes

Instant Chocolate Cake Mix with Real Chocolate Chips Inside!

I never buy prepacked cake mix before as I find them overloaded with sugar :) With homemade ones I can adjust the sweetness to my liking. This particular cake mix is actually bought by my hubby >.< He actually wanting me to bake this for his parents whom are diabetic hahaha...

I browsed the package and realised this is a Singapore product and created by some students in one of our local polytechnic! This is a very simple cake mix, just add eggs, water and mashed bananas and mix into a cake batter. Results? Yumz!! It tasted very chocolaty and moist and the sweetness is just right :D

Ingredient (20 small cupcakes)
  • 210gm banana puree (approx. 3 large bananas)
  • 100gm diced banana (approx. 1 large banana, can be replaced with nuts)
  • 80ml corn oil
  • 70ml water
  • 3 medium eggs
  • 350gm Alivia Chocolate Chip Cake Mix

  1. Combine oil, water and eggs and mix well.
  2. Add in cake mix and fold till combine, mixture will be thick.
  3. Mix in banana puree and fold till combine.
  4. Fold in diced bananas or nuts.
  5. Spoon batter into cupcake cases until 80% full.
  6. Bake in preheated oven at 180 deg cel for 12-15mins. (baking duration depends on the size of the cupcakes)

If you are interested to try this product, you may find them at certain Phoon Huat outlet :)


  1. The cupcakes look really dark and delicious, but just a few q - did the mix taste overly sweet? Also, did the mix use any artificial sugars? Thanks!

  2. Janine...the sweetness is just right and only fructose is used :)
