Monday, May 13, 2013

Steamed Cute Cupcakes

Besides using pancake mix to make yummy pancakes, it can be used for steamed cupcakes! After trial and error with 2 brands of pancake mix, the Korean brand pancake mix cannot make it! The Japanese brand pancake mix turns out very well with soft & fluffy texture! Besides this basic cake batter, there are cheese, chocolate, strawberry flavours which I will attempt the next round :)

These are the terrible ugly steamed cupcakes using Korean pancake mix >.< the batter did not raise at all and the texture is so dense! 

too cute to be eaten ! This is the 2nd attempt using the Japanese brand pancake mix (see the packing below) ^.^

 is very soft!

Ingredient (5 cupcakes)
  • 100gm pancake mix (Morinaga Brand)
  • 1 egg
  • 30gm sugar
  • 30gm plain yoghurt
  • 30ml fresh milk
  • 15gm unsalted butter, melted
  • 1 tsp cake flour
  • 1/2 tsp green tea powder
  • 3 drops strawberry paste
  • cocoa paste for decorating or food grade colour marker

  1. Whisk egg and sugar in a mixing bowl.
  2. Add in yoghurt and milk until well blended.
  3. Sift in pancake mix powder and fold till well blended.
  4. Stir in melted butter.
  5. for green colour batter : scoop 2 tsp of the batter and mix with green tea powder until well blended. Spoon into a piping bag. 
  6. for pink colour batter : scoop 2 tsp of the batter, mix with 1 tsp cake flour and strawberry paste until well blended. Spoon into a piping bag.
  7. Spoon the remaining pancake batter into 5 individual line muffin cups. Tap the cups lightly on the surface several times to remove any air bubbles. Pipe patterns over the surface.
  8. Steam the cupcake over preheated steamer on medium heat for 12 mins. 


  1. These steamed cupcakes are very pretty. I bought this book too but yet to try the recipes.

  2. Hi may I know where you gotten the pancake mix? Thanks..^_^..

  3. Hi Irene...u should be able to find them at cold storage or certain large NTuc.

  4. i tried this recipe. But how come my steam cake will cracked and open up on the surface?

  5. Alice...ur steamer heat may be too seems like this recipe is rather tricky to work with. I've tried a few times on the chocolate flavour and still cannot perfect it.

  6. Hi, may i know these steam cupcakes can keep till next day? where can i find that cookbook for the steam cute cupcakes?

  7. Sandy Siew...I got the book from popular but not sure still got stock or not. Maybe u can try out kinokuniya too. The cupcake can be kept till next day, just resteam slightly it will be soft again.

  8. Beside using the pancake mix, can i use the regular flour? might be difficult to get a korean pancake mix. is it has to be high protein or low protein flour? Thanks

  9. Anonymous...I tried jap pancake mix which is easily available, I've not attempt on normal flour so cannot advise u on this.

  10. hi...I have follow the recepi..using Morinaga brand too...its not that soft as the outcome...Anything goes wrong during the process..
    Pls advice


    From tracy

  11. Tracy...u may have overmix the batter which cause the gluten to form resulting a tough texture. Use a spatula lightly fold in the flour rather than stirring to combine.

  12. hi...Actually after all the ingredients put in long I need to beat and mixed well? Tracy

  13. Tracy..... u have overmixed the batter. Make sure the liquid is well blended before adding in the flour, it won't take more than a min for the flour to mix (fold in not beat!)then u stir in the butter.

  14. Tracy..... u have overmixed the batter. Make sure the liquid is well blended before adding in the flour, it won't take more than a min for the flour to mix (fold in not beat!)then u stir in the butter.

  15. Thanks for your replied.will try again tonite.may i know the cupcake can keep till next day? Need put fridge?

  16. Tracy....can store in room temp in air tight container overnight.

  17. hi...thank you for your advise..i already make the steam cake and it turn out very soft..very happy ..:)
    from : tracy

  18. Tracy....glad that u finally succeeded!

  19. Tracy....glad that u finally succeeded!
