Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Mini Butter Nutty Mooncakes

Counting down to 2012 Mid Autumn Festival 中秋节!! Till now I've yet to attempt traditional mooncakes as it seems quite challenging to me :P For the past years, I've only tried snowskin mooncakes, agar agar mooncakes & some flaky pastry mooncakes. year I will pick up the courage to conquer traditional mooncakes! hehehe till now I will just present simple mooncakes which does not need much preparation and moulding ;) Initially i thought I failed this batch of moonies as they feel hard rocked after baking!! Knock against the table top and able to hear the 'kok kok' sound hahaha...Thank goodness they turned soft and buttery after the next day! 

How mini are they? about 5cm in length :)

Ingredient (approx 32 mooncakes)

  • 360gm cake flour
  • 150gm icing sugar
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 2 tbsp milk powder
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 80gm butter
  • 40gm maltose
  • 30gm fresh milk
  • 650gm green bean lotus paste
  • 32 toasted cashew nuts
  • 2 tbsp milk + 1 tbsp water for glazing

  1. Sift flour, icing sugar and baking powder together.
  2. Add in milk powder, salt, butter, maltose and milk into the flour mixture.
  3. Use a electric whisk and beat lightly till bread crumbs formed.
  4. Knead the mixture with hands till a soft dough is formed.
  5. Divide filling into 20gm each and wrap up a piece of cashew into the filling.
  6. Divide dough into 32 portions, approx. 23gm each.
  7. Roll skin into thin round and wrap up filling.
  8. Press the dough into a floured mooncake mould. Knock out and arrange on a baking tray,
  9. Bake in preheated oven at 180 deg cel for 10mins. Remove from oven and glaze with milk. Return to oven and continue to bake for another 10 - 15 mins or  until golden brown. Best serve on 2nd day onwards!!

Recipe modified from Yum Yum 新新饮食

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