Saturday, February 11, 2012

Strawberry Jellyhearts Cheesecake

One of my to-do item on my list ^-^ Finally got chance to do it!! Early celebration for Happy Valentines' 2012?? no....just to make this cake to mark this coming occasion and my boy was so eager to try this cake when he saw it :D and took 2 slices at one go...this cheesecake is pretty to look at but I do not really like the cheese layer, find it to firm for my liking.

Recipe adapted from Happy Home Baking

  • 120gm digestive biscuits, processed into fine crumbs
  • 45gm melted butter
  • 250gm cream cheese, soften at room temperature
  • 50gm icing sugar,sifted
  • 1 tbsp gelatin powder
  • 40ml boiling water
  • 1 tsp vanilla essence
  • 1 box Jelly crystal (strawberry flavour)
  • 1 cup boiling water
  • 1 cup cold water
Some strawberries, cut into heart shapes

  1. Mix biscuit crumbs & melted butter together and press firmly with the help of a spoon onto the base of a 18cm cake tin. Chill for 30 minutes.
  2. Place gelatin powder and boiling water in a bowl. Heat a pot filled with some water until just simmering and place the bowl inside the pot. Dissolve gelatin and boiling water in the bowl. Keep warm.
  3. With an electric mixer, beat cream cheese , icing sugar and vanilla essence until smooth & creamy. Blend in gelatin solution and mix well.
  4. Pour the cheese mixture into the cake tin. Layer the strawberries on the cheese mixture. Chill for at least 3 to 4 hours.
  5. Dissolve the jelly crystal in the cup of boiling water, followed by the cold water. Pour the jelly on the cheese mixture. Let it set before removing from the cake tin.


  1. This is cute and pretty! Thought of making one too.

  2. It looks so pretty! Did you line the bottom of the cake pan? (: how you remove it? Looks smooth! (: thank you dear (:

  3. Wow, this is so lovely for Valentine!

  4. Hankerie, tks Happy Valentine!! :D

    The Sweetylicious, I did not line the pan, my heart shape pan 18cm is a removable base type :D

  5. wow that is my cake for my valentine :-) it looks so tasty i love cheese cake Strawbeery and so on....very delicious

  6. hi! the cheesecake looks great! just out of curiosity, when do you pour the jelly mixture on the cheese mixture? is it after the chilling process (3-4 hours) in the fridge? Ta!

  7. Jillian...yes, must chill till the cheese mixture is well set before pouring over cooled jelly liquid :D

  8. Yours look so good! Sadly I Tried twice didn't succeed.
    #1).my jelly layer was not at all firm
    #2) it was stuck in the.baking pan, I can't take it out at all.

  9. Make sure the the jelly powder is correct proportion to the waster and use a loose based pan for easier unmoulding :)
