Friday, September 3, 2010

Today's Recipe?

What to do with a big bunch of pandan leaves besides using it to cook dessert or baking? Found this recipes on Bakericous's Blog and decided to give it a try :) As I do not want to add any green colourings to the rice, I increase the amount of pandan juice instead. The result is a lightly pale green coloured rice which my camera does not managed to capture it well!!

Recipes adapted from Bakericious

For Pandan Rice :
  • 2 cups rice, rinsed thoroughly
  • 2 cups water (remove 4 tbsp )
  • 4 tbsp concentrate pandan leaves juice
  • 2 tbsp butter
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 3 blades pandan leaves, knotted
  • a pinch of salt
1. Combine all ingredients into the rice cooker and leave to cook. Fluff up rice before serving.

Above : A mini set meal for my son, consist of 2 balls of pandan flavoured rice, pan-fried salmon, baked potatoes & carrot & papayas...

Below : My one serve with 红糟盐酥鸡, cherry tomatoes & japanese cucumber...


  • 500gm chicken breast, cubed
  • 1 tbsp garlic, minced
  • 1 small egg, lightly beaten
  • 2 tbsp cornflour
  • 2 tbsp light soya sauce
  • 3 tbsp rice yeast, 红糟
  • 2 tbsp rice wine
  • 1 tbsp sugar
  • 1/2 tbsp white pepper
  • sweet potato flour for coating, 地瓜粉
  • pepper salt powder, 椒盐
  1. Marinate chicken fillet cubed with seasoning for at least 2 hrs or overnight.
  2. Drain marinate sauce and evenly coat with sweet potato flour. Deep fried in batches till golden brown. Drain on kitchen paper.
  3. Place fried chicken popcorns in a mixing bowl. Sprinkle over pepper salt powder and toss to coat evenly.

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