Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Orange Agar Agar

Slices of orange in disguise! hahaha....

  • 12gm agar agar powder
  • 2 cups water
  • 115gm sugar
  • 3 cups fresh orange juice (abt 6 large oranges)
  1. Bring water to boil. Add agar agar powder & sugar. Stir till sugar dissolves. Turn off heat.
  2. Stir in fresh orange juice. Spoon mixture into jelly mould.
To make orange mould : Slice off small portion from top of orange. Use a metal spoon, scoop out the flesh, retaining the juice. To prevent topple, place the orange mould in a small bowl, fill in with agar agar mixture. Chill till set before cutting into slices.


  1. Peng, looks very nice, like real orange hahaha...

  2. I like this!!! If you did not say, I won't think of it as agar agar. Hehe...

  3. Very creative! I thought they're real orange slice ;)!

  4. whoa, you are totally creative.
    never thought of orange agar agar can be served like this.lol
    pretty neat, huh ^^
