Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Homemade Tahini (Sesame Paste)

Wholesome nutty flavour, taste as good as peanut butter! Can be used as spreading on toast, salad dressing, dipping sauce or toss in noodle, anything you can think of ! :)

  • 250gm white sesame seeds
  • 5 tbsp olive oil

  1. In a clean & dry frying pan, pan-fry sesame seeds on low heat till golden brown. Stirring constantly to prevent over burning.
  2. Cool down. Place toasted sesame seeds and salt in a food processor. Blend till fine. Add in olive oil gradually to form a smooth paste. Store in a clean container and keep chill.


  1. Hello, may i check :
    1. What is the brand of the olive oil to use?
    2. How long can this paste last (expiry date)?

  2. Jess...keep stirring when u fry it, I din see the time ^-^ as long as golden brown quickly remove or else will burnt..

    Anonymous...i use extra virgin olive oil, depends on the brand & budget u looking for, different quality different price, cold pressed is the most expensive. The amt I've made is very minimal so can keep 2 wks in fridge no problem, but dun think will last till then!

  3. Hi Peng
    Do you wash the seeds first before dry frying?

  4. Bh Kk...yes rinse briefly, drain well then dry fry.
